Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Questionnaire: June 6th 2016

Who doesn't love a good Monday Questionnaire? These posts are some of my favorites because they allow me to share some of myself. I have quite a lot to do this lazy summer is already fading away. I do actually like to be busy, though, so I'm ready for the challenge!

The picture is actually a Googled image because it's my new phone wallpaper. Tangled is one of my favorite Disney movies (Rapunzel is my second favorite princess behind Ariel) so I thought I would do something cute and girly in homage to the film. 

1. Mood: Sleepy, yet content. It's Sunday as I'm typing this and I've done quite a bit today so I'm certainly ready for bed. It was one of those nice weekend days where I feel like I actually had a day off and had some me-time while I also feel like I accomplished a few things. 

2. Favorite article of clothing to shop for? Dresses or shoes, definitely (I know shoes are not technically "clothing" but they absolutely count in my book!). Dresses and shoes are some of my favorite articles of clothing in general and my manta is the more the merrier. 

3. Three hours ago, I was....? Packing up my jewelry, I think. This week is going to consist of the start of my bedroom remodel, so in order to get in some new carpet and slap on a fresh coat of paint, all of my stuff needs to get packed up and be out for a bit. 

4. Current nail polish: None! But OPI's My Boyfriend Scales Walls from the Spiderman collection a few years ago has been sitting on my desk patiently waiting for me to have time for a manicure. 

5. What was the last book you read? Honestly, it was probably something for school. I love reading, but it's hard to read leisurely as a college student when there's so many textbook pages to read. I do want to head to the library and find something new, though. 

6. Current outfit: As I'm typing this? Pajamas. Tomorrow, when it's actually Monday? Probably some cuffed up jeans, a graphic tee or tank, and some sneakers. My job lets you keep it casual!

7. What is your natural hair texture? I have naturally straight hair that isn't thin but isn't really thick, either. It's a good in-between and allows me to really do nothing to it (thankfully!).

8. Would you rather go a week without your phone or a week without your computer? In the age of smartphones, I'd have to give up my computer. I do love both my windows desktop and my MacBook, but my trusty iPhone would be enough for me for a week.

9. What is your favorite movie? My all time favorite is definitely The Breakfast Club. I'm generally a fan of all of those 80's coming-of-age movies (you rocked, John Hughes) but I also love the adapation of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

10. Weekly goals: Get through another week of work, publish some blog posts, work on my bedroom, and try and have a social life in between all of that, Let's see how that goes. ;)

Here's to a great week for everyone!

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