Friday, October 6, 2017

Feel-Good Friday: My Experience Beginning Weight Watchers

There is one bullet that makes it to the top of my New Year's resolutions list every single year. It is one of my great insecurities and has been for the majority of my life. And that is my weight. I have been on the heavier side my entire life, but it wasn't until high school and the beginning of colleges I really became overweight. Starting off 2017 at the heaviest point I have ever been (by a long shot), I knew I had to make a change--a serious one.

I have played with a bunch of different methods over the past year or two: the one I was most attached to (and failed at the most) being eating clean. However, living at home with three others who don't eat clean, meaning the grocery list is not clean, in addition to living a crazy busy life and not having time to cook much during the week, made that an absolute failure. And so, I continued to gain.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Reviewed: Shiro Cosmetics Harry Potter Collection

It's no secret that I am completely in love with anything and everything Harry Potter related. And so when I came across a makeup line inspired by my favorite fictional universe, I couldn't resist. I actually cannot take credit for this discovery, and although I hate to admit how the knowledge of these products entered my life, I must give credit where credit is due: this is the result of my mom's Facebook feed. Yep, my lovely mother clicked on an advertisement that popped up on her Facebook--the most motherly thing to do--and landed upon this website. And now I don't put down clicking Facebook ads.

The brand in question is a handmade, vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics small business that runs out of Portland called Shiro Cosmetics. The creators base their products off of things they are passionate about. Just this information is enough for me to be intrigued: staying true to what you love while producing beautiful, Earth-friendly products is extraordinary.

Obviously, I was immediately drawn to the "Marauders, Mugwumps, and Muggles" Collection (that name though), which is a line of face, eye, and lip products inspired by the magical world JK Rowling captivated us with so many years ago.  My mother, who is much more experimental and bold with her makeup looks, picked out a few shadows for herself. I, however, decided to try an eyeshadow, two lip glosses, and the bronzer. Because who can resist a Chocolate Frog-inspired bronzer?

Monday, October 2, 2017

September Favorites 2017 + Back to Blogging

The last year or so of my life has certainly been a journey. It's been a whirlwind of trying to juggle the most extensive two semesters of my life while also working five days a week in an after-school daycare program. Not to mention, I joined Weight Watchers in mid-February, so for the most part, I haven't even been able to find my usual comfort in french fries and strawberry ice cream sundaes. Clearly, it's been rough.

It true every-cloud-has-a-silver-lining fashion, I've learned quite a bit about myself in this time. I've found new interests and hobbies, discovered what really tops my list of priorities, and figured out more of who I really am. Do I sound cheesy, yet? Probably.

Writing, in any capacity, really, has always been a true love of mine. And it truly stinks that it has been entirely thrown onto the back burner when my life truly became chaotic. I mean, I was up to my ears writing essays and reflections, and I did say I love writing in any capacity, but it's not the same. I actually reflected whilst writing a never-ending biology research paper back in the Fall that I have to suppress my real voice in essay writing because I'm never sure what professors will truly appreciate my wittiness (ok, it may just be quirk). So it goes. But anyway, the point is, I'm excited to be back. I gave my layout a little makeover--symbolizing new beginnings and all of that--and now I'm ready to compile a list of things I have been loving lately.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Book Shelf: (Spoiler Free) Thoughts on "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child"

As a long time Harry Potter fan (the youngest of three, I grew up with a love for the stories that was passed along from my older brothers, so I've literally always loved Harry and the gang) I was ecstatic to hear about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child--along with more than a little bummed that I don't live in London to see it live on stage. Another look into the Harry Potter universe? Getting to see the characters I love nineteen years later? Getting to know the next generation? Sign me up! Like so many Potter fans, I preordered the book on Amazon as soon as I could, and when it finally arrived at my doorstep I read all 308 pages in just a few hours.

There's a lot of controversy over the latest piece of the puzzle JK Rowling created so long ago, and I think that some readers had no idea that the story is in fact a script. It's the script that is being brought to life on stage in London, meaning that it is not a book. I know, that's such a basic fact, but I know there are people out there who looked over that detail in the release statements. So that's the first thing I want to say

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Planner Pages: My College Planner

It's no secret that I've become a total planner junkie over the past year. Planning has been such a good tool for organizing my life and I really don't know if I could have gotten through the past year of college without it. Not only is it beneficial for my crazy lifestyle, but it also is theraputic to me (I know that I'm crazy) to sit down with a cup of coffee and think about exactly how things should happen for the next few days. I personally, like I'll say forever, am crazy, and have three planners (not a typo): an Erin Condren, which serves as memory keeping / a giant to-do list, a personal binder with inserts that I take on the go, and my Happy Planner, which is all pen and perfect for school.

Mostly out of curiousity, I ordered my first MAMBI Happy Planner in January to use as my school planner. I had previously been cramming my homework assignments into my Erin Condren, which was just not working--there just wasn't enough space to write everything properly. Obviously having an entirely seperate space worked, because I ordered the new, larger Happy Planner for the upcoming school year. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Lush Lust: Mini Haul

Out of all of the stores I shop at, Lush is definitely one that I get lost in easily. I mean, you walk in and everything is bright and colorful, looks fun and exciting, and smells amazing, so how does one not want to just buy everything? I dragged a friend to the mall so I could restock on a beloved product that I ran out on, and ended up with a few extra goodies.

For some shoppers, four purchased products from Lush is a lot, but I can (and have) do much more damage. I also redeemed five empty fresh face mask containers for my freebie--but I was nice and got my mom a little something something.

Monday, August 1, 2016

July Favorites 2016

July is always a bittersweet month because it means that summertime is halfway over. I mean, sure, August is filled with sweltering days, beach trips, and as much iced coffee as I can drink (which is a lot) but there is always a reminder in the air of back to school approaching rapidly. As a college student, I can say that I'm not exactly dreading starting classes (gasp) but that doesn't mean that the second that I'm drowning in reading assignments and papers I won't be missing my freedom and commitmentless bliss.

For the first time in a while, I've began to try out new products. For a long time I was destashing and just repurchasing new holy grails as I finished them, but I am finally back to experimenting and I must say that I have missed it. Along with rediscovering my love for discovering, July also held my favorite annual vacation--so pictured above is my lakefront view at my family's favorite vacation spot in the Poconos.