Monday, October 2, 2017

September Favorites 2017 + Back to Blogging

The last year or so of my life has certainly been a journey. It's been a whirlwind of trying to juggle the most extensive two semesters of my life while also working five days a week in an after-school daycare program. Not to mention, I joined Weight Watchers in mid-February, so for the most part, I haven't even been able to find my usual comfort in french fries and strawberry ice cream sundaes. Clearly, it's been rough.

It true every-cloud-has-a-silver-lining fashion, I've learned quite a bit about myself in this time. I've found new interests and hobbies, discovered what really tops my list of priorities, and figured out more of who I really am. Do I sound cheesy, yet? Probably.

Writing, in any capacity, really, has always been a true love of mine. And it truly stinks that it has been entirely thrown onto the back burner when my life truly became chaotic. I mean, I was up to my ears writing essays and reflections, and I did say I love writing in any capacity, but it's not the same. I actually reflected whilst writing a never-ending biology research paper back in the Fall that I have to suppress my real voice in essay writing because I'm never sure what professors will truly appreciate my wittiness (ok, it may just be quirk). So it goes. But anyway, the point is, I'm excited to be back. I gave my layout a little makeover--symbolizing new beginnings and all of that--and now I'm ready to compile a list of things I have been loving lately.

What I've Been Applying

I've fallen in love with a beauty product that's lived in the back of my collection since its release (it's one of those things you don't even remember is just there): the Urban Decay Naked Flushed palette in Native. I felt like it would be easy to throw in with my everyday makeup to have bronzer, blush, and highlighter in one whenever I was getting ready. Plus, my face looked more sallow each day, so the bright pink seemed like it might brighten me up. As with everything I have ever used from Urban Decay, the formulations are smooth and lovely. I was nervous because I know that UD shadows and lip products are very pigmented, but these powders never looked too heavy, which means I never had to worry about overapplying.

What I've Been Using

Trying to go out less without makeup (gasp, I know) means trying to get my skin under control once and for all (it's laughing at me as I write this). I'm openly obsessed with the Philosophy Purity Made Simple cleanser, but I wanted something just a little different for my morning routine. I discovered the Soap and Glory 3-in-1 Daily Vitamin C Facial Wash at Walgreen's a few months ago and it has been incredible. This bottle has lasted a long while (though, I won't swear that I've used it every day). Not only does it make my skin feel clean and soft, but it smells amazing and wakes me up whenever I wash my face (even before my earliest classes).

What I've Been Wearing

Call me basic, but I've been living in my Steven Madden Ecentrcq Slip-Ons in Nude. A Christmas present that I totally picked out myself from my grandpa, they are easily the most worn shoes in my closet aside from my beloved Nikes. I'm obsessed with how they look with virtually any outfit, yet I wasn't sure how they were going to pair with dresses. Spoiler alert, they look amazing. I bought the Payless knock-offs in black a couple of weeks ago but they're not anywhere near as comfortable, so it's only time until I make another DSW order.


What I've Been Reading

To be completely honest, I read this in May, and there are plenty of books I've read since (my other love, reading, also fell by the wayside during my hectic schedule). But this story touched in a way that most books don't. Wonder by R.J. Palacio was the book of choice in my mother's fifth-grade classroom.....but don't fret. It's definitely an older read--they listened to it on Audible. The story follows fifth-grader Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face, as he journies into public school for the first time. The whole story focuses on kindness and acceptance and love, and it's just so freaking beautiful. If you're not a reader, the film adaption is set to release in theaters in November.

What I've Been Watching

Riverdale.....need I say much more? If you've been living under a rock since January, Riverdale is the new CW drama that focuses on the world and characters of the popular comic series, Archie. Except, it's not much like the comics. The whole premise is more Scooby-Do-esque, as the gang tries to solve the murder of Jason Blossom, the heir to the Blossom fortune after his body is discovered a week after the Fourth of July. There's drama, romance, a witty script, beautiful actors (don't even get me started on Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones), and just about anything else you could expect from the same network that brought the world Gossip Girl aOne Tree Hill.

What I've Been Listening To

My music favorite lately is a huge homage to my theater kid days back in high school: the Dear Evan Hansen cast track. Dear Evan Hansen has been making waves on Broadway: the musical follows the story of Evan Hansen.....actually, no. I'm not telling you. Just listen to the album if you're even remotely interested (I apologize for the bluntness, but I just know that any description I give of this show will absolutely not do it any justice). I will say, however, that even though I haven't been fortunate enough to see the show in person--ticket sales are through the roof--the story means a lot to me. I connect deeply with the protagonist, which, if you know the show, may sound a bit weird. But it's true. I listen to the music almost every day on my commute home from school and it's just gold. Ben Platt, the original Evan Hansen, has one of the best voices I've ever heard. If you have a second, please go listen to it. I promise, even away from my inner Broadway geek, you won't regret it. 

What I've Been Eating

Apple chips. Need I say more? Yes? Okay then. When I was little, I used to divulge in two things: bread and sugar. Now, being older, I'm more of a crunchy, savory girl. Chips are my kryptonite. This proves to be very difficult on Weight Watchers because most chips are more points than I'm willing to spend on a snack, and even if they're not, the serving size leaves a lot to be desired. Twelve chips? Fifteen? Who the heck stops at fifteen Sour Cream and Onion Lays? Not me. Since apples are one of my favorite Fall foods, I've gotten back into making my own apple chips. I linked my recipe above--it takes a while, sure (the best way to make oven chips is low and slow, so it takes about two hours in the oven), but they are worth it.

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