Monday, January 25, 2016

Thoughts During a Blizzard -2016-

As a born and raised New Yorker, I am more than used to snow. The first snowstorm of the season will never fail to be the most exciting, even if every one after that just results in groans. While watching the storm (named Jonas, I believe) swirl around outside today--I'm typing this the night of January 23rd--I realized that each year I'm becoming more of an adult who is concerned about commutes, power outages, and shoveling the way out of the door and less of a kid who only cares about making snow angels and drinking hot chocolate when finally forced to come inside.

My mom posted this pic of our backyard--and this was after
my brother made a path to the shed!

The transition is weird for, even though I'm just realizing it now and know that it happened quite a while ago. But today, I am going to list some major thoughts that went through my head as the almost two feet of white fluffy stuff piled up higher and higher.

  1. I wonder how my commute is going to be on Monday. I'm still thinking about this one! I am a commuter college student, meaning that Monday morning, bright and early, I will have to trek out on icy roads to get to class. So anxious!
  2. I am so glad I still live at home. This is one of those days that I'm beyond grateful to be with my family. I woke up to my mom baking lots of yummy treats and my dad and brother shoveled while I worked on some homework. 
  3. Today is the perfect day to get ahead on some assignments. Yeah, didn't happen. I did my math homework, which is due Tuesday, but other than that I just kind of stared at my textbooks. 
  4. Forever hoping work is cancelled tomorrow. I work part-time in retail, and having to show up for a shift tomorrow was bugging me all day: not only would the parking lot be a mess, but I can't even imagine the roads. Luckily, the entire shopping center closed down, so no work for me! (Good for my safety, bad for my wallet)
  5. Coffee? Coffee. Even though today was a complete lazy day, I still couldn't function before my daily cup of joe. 

I could go ahead and list a ton more, but I think this basically sums up how responsible I have to be as an "adult." That being said, it was a complete lazy day for me--I threw on my Buzz Lightyear onsie, snuggled in bed, and alternated between playing the Sims 4 and watching YouTube videos! Unfortunately, tomorrow is back to reality: even though I won't have to work, the entire Eastern Seaboard will be digging itself out, myself included. 

What's your favorite Snow Day activity?

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