Friday, December 18, 2015

My Goals for the Holiday Break -Blogmas Day 18-

Whenever there's a break from classes on the horizon, I always go into list making mode, compiling task after task of things I'm going to do while thinking of how productive the break will be. But, as we all know, when there's no school, there's absolutely no motivation, either. I usually spend my breaks curled under a ton of blankets bing-watching an entire series (yes series, not season) on Netflix.

However, because I am an obsessive list maker, I can't help but make a list of tasks I want to achieve, even if I doubt that I'm actually going to accomplish half of them. Originally, I wanted to do a huge reorganization of my wardrobe (clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, jewelry, etc!) but I actually went through my dresser and closet today instead of waiting. On the bright side, it crossed off a huge chunk of my list before my finals are finished and I have a huge bag full of stuff to donate!

  1. Relax and revitalize. I've been so busy the past month or so that I really feel like I've been slacking with my beauty routine. As soon as my finals are over, I plan on taking a bubble bath, deep exfoliating my face and body, using a face mask (and maybe an eye mask!), and giving myself a nice mani/pedi. Oh, and getting the eyebrows back in shape!
  2. Go through my jewelry. Like I said, I went already tackled my closet and dresser, but I still really want to go through my jewelry. I know there is quite a bit I don't wear, so I want to try and donate some of them. 
  3. Work out. I've been so bad lately with working out, so I really want to get back into a routine again. I'm thinking that I'm going to switch every other day between kickboxing and yoga, so I get a nice de-stressing, calming workout one day and a good cardio one the next. 
  4. Hydrate. Like working out, I've been sort of slacking on keeping myself hydrated. I have a water tracker in my Erin Condren Life Planner for each day, and some days I do five or six, and some days I do one or two, which is terrible. I want to get more consistent and possibly even get up to eight, which is where I should be. 
  5. Pre-plan and write a bunch of blog posts. I want to get back into a place with posting where I have my post for the following day ready to go the day before. This just makes me feel better, as the posts go up at consistent times each day and I don't have to stress about getting one up before midnight (like tonight). It's also easier to plan and binge-photograph. 
  6. Have a great Christmas/New Years and a great vacation. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, so it's really important to me to try and have a great holiday season! I want to spend time with my family and friends and just end the year happy. Also, I'm accompanying my parents on vacation at the beginning of January, so I'm excited for that and want to enjoy traveling as much as possible. 
What are your goals for the next few weeks?

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