Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Message -Blogmas Day 17-

The past few weeks have been a little bit overwhelming, in the best possible way. I've been trying to focus on a million different things at once: school, work, family, friends, blogging, and so on. I feel like my mind is a never ending to-do list, and each day I find myself struggling more and more to be productive. I am constantly torn between pulling an all higher to study for my hardest class and just falling asleep after watching Netflix all afternoon and night.

Blogging has become overly important to me over the past few weeks. It's a place for me to express myself creatively and share things that interest me that I don't get to talk about normally: beauty, fashion, food, organization, and more. I wanted to do Blogmas as a challenge for myself and to get accustomed to posting again in the midst of a crazy schedule. Publishing this post feels like cheating to me, because it's not my usual, thought out and planned content. For the first time, I'm merely sitting down and letting the words flow out. And that shouldn't feel like cheating, right? Except, to the perfectionist that lives inside of me, it does. However, tonight, in the midst of my finals, I feel too drained to think and plan my "normal content." I will be back tomorrow with a makeup post,something Christmas related. 

 Anyone have a good Netflix recommendation? 

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