Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lush Lust: Grease Lightening

One of my goals for 2015 is to really take care of my skin. In effort to do that, I decided to treat myself to a Lush product I always look at but never purchase: Grease Lightening. This product is a tea tree spot treatment, designed to treat acne directly. Spot treatments are a sore subject for me; I haven't ever found one that works wonders for me.

Lush describes the product as: "Strike the spot with lightening precision. Super effective tea tree and witch hazel gel to clean acne-prone skin and remove oil." The ingridents include thyme, rosemary and tea tree infusion, sea water, organic aloe vera, grape juice, witch hazel, and that's pretty much it. I'm not someone who obsesses with labels, but I usually check Lush's ingredient list because it has never made me feel bad about using the product. I mean, who wouldn't want sea water and grape juice on their face?

The packaging is a 1.5 ounce bottle with a pump dispenser, and I can't think of anything that would be better. The pump is easy to use and doesn't dispense too much product--which is good, because you don't need much. 

The formulation itself has proven to be very effect on me; definitely one of the better spot treatments on the market! I use this every night before I got to bed, and well the spot isn't magically gone the next morning, it is significantly reduced. Instead of drying out the spot, Grease Lightning seems to treat the acne gently, so when the spot is gone, your skin is left in the best possible state--not dry and flaky and irritated. 

Grease Lightning retails for $13.95 and is available in Lush stores and online. Sure, it's pricier than your typical drugstore option, but for a great skincare product, fourteen bucks is a steal. If you have acne prone skin, I highly reccomend giving this a whirl! Bonus: if you go into a Lush store and ask for a sample, most of them will give it to you.

What's your favorite skincare product?

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