Friday, October 3, 2014

Craft Corner: DIY Paint Splatter Bag

Something that I've really grown to love (especially recently) is buying inexpensive, plain/boring fashion pieces and giving them a bit of a personal touch. I have been working on a few DIY projects that fall under that category (distressing your own jeans, anybody?), and I finally came around to finishing my first one: a paint splatter bag.

This is obviously inspired by a TV show love of mine, The Carrie Diaries (yet another show that was cancelled too soon). Typically Carrie's out-of-the-box style is far too out of my comfort zone, but her classic paint stained bag is just so cute and different. 

You Will Need:
  • A bag you don't mind ruining with paint! The one I used was purchased in a clearance sale and is just plain black. But use whatever kind of bag you want! Be as creative as you want with colors and texture and styles and hardwares. 
  • Various colors of nail polish. I ended up using white, pink, purple, green, and blue. Again, use whatever colors you want!
  • Tape
  • Newspaper or some other surface to work on

I began by laying down my newspaper and taping up the exposed hardware on my bag. I used regular Scotch tape, but Duct tape or masking tape would work just as well (if not better). 

The whole process is honestly so simple. I got some of the polish on the brush and just flicked the brush over the bag. It created this really cool effect, and I just continued rotating the bag and switching up the polish colors. What is so cool about this kind of style is that even if you mess up, it doesn't seem like it--it just seems like part of the design. You can tell that I missed up and ended up with a few globs in random place, but it doesn't look like a big deal!

I flipped the bag over after letting one side dry to paint the other, just repeating the same simple process. Carrie Bradshaw wrote her name in pink nail polish, but instead I just painted on a heart design on the corner...just to add a little personalized touch. 

And that's it! This is so easy, and the nail polish doesn't come off in water (just keep your bag away from acetone or polish remover!)

Do you watch The Carrie Diaries?

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