Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chef Alyssa: Kale Chips

It's no secret as to why kale has risen in popularity in the past year. Not only is it affordable and easily accessible, but it's a major super food and one of the best things that you can put in your body. Rich in vitamin A, it promotes eye and skin health and strengths the immune system, it also is a good source of fiber and is rich in vitamin C. I've found kale chips to be the easiest way to incorporate the vegetable into my diet without getting bored, and coming from girl who loves potato chips, they're a healthy alternative for an afternoon snack.

For this recipe, you will need:

  • Kale: I used about half of a bag of Glory Foods Kale Greens
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt

I began by de-stemming, washing, and patting dry the kale using paper towel. Even if the bag claims greens are pre-washing, I prefer to wash them myself just to ensure cleanliness. It is essential that the kale is left with no stems. The leaves crisp up significantly better without them, so just gently rip off the leaves before placing in the bowl. Once everything is washed and stem-free, I drizzled the olive oil on top, and then sprinkled the sea salt directly after, making sure to mix thoroughly. Make sure the oil and salt are evenly distributed over every piece of green!

Spray a baking tray covered in aluminium foil with a non-stick spray of your choice. Spread the kale evenly over the tray. The kale will cook best if it's not on all on top of each other, so try and get it as flat and spread out as possible. Cook in a 400°F oven for about 7-9 minutes, or until the kale has crisped up!

If you're really adventurous, feel free to use different spices and flavor your chips any way you'd like! I think I would really enjoy these with with garlic and onion powder and a tad of Parmesan cheese.

Do you like kale?

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